Friday, March 6, 2020

7 Steps to Help You Sleep Better Tonight

7 Steps to Help You Sleep Better Tonight Photo Credit : WebMD  Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up each morning at the same time as well. A regular routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time will reinforce your bodys sleep-wake cycle and help promote better sleep at night. 4. Be Comfortable in Your Bedroom We all know its hard to sleep when its hot in the bedroom or the light is shining through the windows.  Create a room that is fit for sleeping. Buy dark shades so no light will be able to shine through the windows. Keep the thermostat set between    65 ° and 75 °F. Being in the cool air helps trigger your body to drop its temperature and tells the body to produce melatonin which helps induce sleep. Buy a comfortable mattress and pillow. Nobody likes to sleep on a hard mattress. 5. EXERCISE Photo Credit: DailyHiit Regular Physical Activity helps promote better sleep but make sure to exercise at least  3 to 4 hours before heading to bed.  Exercising too close to bedtime, your body might be too energized for it to be put into sleep mode. 6. Manage Stress Our minds are always thinking 24/7 about everything and anything. You need to unwind and get your mind off of whatever is bothering you and relax. If your mind is constantly racing, keep a journal. Write any worries or concerns you have in a journal that way it is off your mind when you are trying to go to sleep. Breathe!  Take deep slow breaths. This will help reduce your blood pressure and heart rate which will allow your body to get in a relaxed state, priming you for sleep. 7. Eat Right Photo credit : WEBMD   Avoid heavy foods and big meals late in the day; these will make it harder for your digestive system to digest making it hard to sleep. Eat a light snack that contains complex carbs and dairy. Food Choices: Cheese and Crackers, whole grain cereal and skim milk, a banana with 1 tsp peanut butter Those are just a few great tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.  Just remember to follow these tips and you will sleep better at tonight.

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